Meet Our Team


Lana Velkov, Compliance Consultant

Lana graduated with a BSc Business Economics at the University of Exeter followed by MSc Emerging Economies & International Development at King’s College London. She became a Compliance Consultant after gaining exposure to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) due diligence at a Swiss development finance consultancy.

This work involved researching several Asian banks as part of Asian Development Bank’s (ADB’s) Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program (TSCFP) covering more than 100 banks in 18 emerging markets.

Lana is well-versed in legal writing, having created Audit Compliance’s AML/CFT & Sanctions manual. Her knowledge of the legal sector is extensive as a compliance auditor at Assessment Legal and consultant at Audit Compliance. Her client work includes the revision of AML manuals, Practice-Wide Risk Assessments (PWRAs) as well as other compliance gap analysis.


Paul Wilkinson

Paul Wilkinson, Managing Director

Paul has over 20 years experience assisting legal practices to manage their business and to maintain quality standards and compliance with the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (SRA) Standards and Regulations and the SRA Accounts Rules (SAR).

He is an ADRg Accredited mediator in Civil and Commercial Mediation and was a lecturer in Mediation at University of West London LLM International Investment and Arbitration Law.

He is also a trainer and lecturer in Anti Money Laundering, Complaints Handling, Compliance, Costs, Practice Management and Regulatory Affairs and provider of ‘in house’ training for Continuing Competence. He provides Compliance Officers for Legal Practice (COLPs) and Compliance Officers for Finance Administration (COFAs) compliance training for both start-up and existing law firms and for the Middlesex Law Society.

Paul has extensive experience of legal software and is a compliance consultant to several legal software vendors. He delivers specialist Training and guidance in preparing for Lexcel, CQS and WIQS accreditation and certification to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System 

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